K Missile family

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K Missile family:

The K family of missiles is a series of submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM) developed by India to boost its second strike capabilities and thus the nuclear deterrence. Information about this family of missiles has mostly been kept classified. "The classified 'K' missile family" is known as the "Black Project" which DRDO officials are covertly working on. It is reported that "the top secret indigenous "K" missiles are faster, lighter and stealthier."

K-15750 km10 tonnes1 tonne10 mK-15/B-05 in series production. Land-based missile awaiting clearance.
K-43,500–5,000 km17 tonnes1 tonne – 2.5 tonnes10 mAs of January 2011, at least six more tests to be performed before induction in 2017.
K-56,000 kmUnspecified1 tonneUnspecifiedUnder Development by DRDO

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air defence

indian missile

K Missile family

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