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element in your site's section, where you want both the search box and the search results to appear. Note: For the most cross-browser compatibility, it is recommended that your HTML pages use a supported doctype such as . CSS hover effects require a supported doctype. element in your site's section, where you want both the search box and the search results to appear. Note: For the most cross-browser compatibility, it is recommended that your HTML pages use a supported doctype such as . CSS hover effects require a supported doctype. element in your site's section, where you want both the search box and the search results to appear. Note: For the most cross-browser compatibility, it is recommended that your HTML pages use a supported doctype such as . CSS hover effects require a supported doctype.

Copy the following code, and paste it into a
element in your site's section, where you want both the search box and the search results to appear. Note: For the most cross-browser compatibility, it is recommended that your HTML pages use a supported doctype such as . CSS hover effects require a supported doctype.
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